After two busy weeks I managed to get back on track with the plan.
I started to shape the pitch, which looks great up to now, work on menus and HUD from the game and update the plan.
I had to eliminate the Objects topics for now, and I`ll decide later if we include it or not.
Here is the updated plan, we hope to work a lot next week to get the design document almost finished.
I have to confess it becomes more and more difficult for me to manage time, but I have to thank to Cristi that he is doing his tasks on time, even though sometimes I have to double check his materials.
Overall up to now I believe we are far in front of the other students and I personally believe this is going to be one of the most complete game design documents with an outstanding pitch presentation.
With 4 weeks before OUR deadline we have only 3 chapters left to cover, but some of these will require some special attention: the marketing topic and the development plan.
I aim to finish this design document within two weeks and to have at least 75% of the pitch ready.
I`ll keep you updated.
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