- there are 9 Rallies per season.
- there will be 60 different tracks
- there are 105 races per season
- there are 1234.54 km to be driven per season
- there will be 668.55 km of road track to be modelled
- the average track has 11 km
- the longest Rally is Sibiu Rally with 228 km of distance to be driven on 127 km of road track.
- the shortest Rally is Harghita Rally with 89.92 km of distance to be driven on 44.04 km of road track
- the longest Race is Gâtu Berbecului, it has 32 km and it is part of Sibiu Rally. The next one is Babarunca from Brasov Rally with 27.62 km.
- the shortest Race is Lugoj with only 1.33 km and it is part of Timis Rally. The next one is Râpa Galbena from Iasi Rally with 1.6 km.
At an average speed of 60 km/h FRAS - The Game will offer at least 20 hours of intense Championship playing time.
This sort of Rally selection will be available in Main Menu. I hope you enjoy it.
Now... after the short presentation we had on Tuesday with our Lecturers we were once again assured that we are on the right track, but now there are doubts in the team if we have to include or not the arcade style of the game.
While I did not want to drop all the work I had done on the powerups, the description in game type, I have decided to still include what was known as Arcade mode, but to make it a game type. So now we have Rally Championship Mode, Destroyer Mode (the arcade type of game) and a new mode which Cristi came up with, and I quickly adopted it which is called Domination Mode. This one will be later presented by Cristi as it`s his idea so we will implement it and adapt it the way he wants.
Having done this we finished the LEVELS and CONTROLS.
I will come later with the plan for week 5.
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