Monday, October 28, 2013

First INGAME footage

Although I promised these previews a week ago, I have been quite busy, and only now I had some time to go on with the project. After collecting all data from Cristi, which seems to be up to date, I merged it into the Design Document and started working on the menu.
Here is what came out.
This video does not show the complete menu, but I believe that my creativity and attention to detail bursts in this little clip.
I will continue tomorrow to finish the menu, once I establish with Cristi the final components of the menu.

Here is the link to the video. Enjoy! :D

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Menu Structure

Although week 5 has not started yet, I managed to structure the Main Menu and I think this will be final and the only changes to this menu structure will be add ons, nothing else comes out of this menu.
Here it is

So we`ll have Single Race, Championship, Online, Options, Extras each with its own submenu and Quit, which obviously returns to the operating system.
The option to play offline in multiplayer will be done before car selection, in each race mode.
Later I`ll be back with an animation from the actual in-game menu.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Week 5 Plan

Here is the plan for next week.
I`ll be in charge of OS, Menu, Options, while Cristi will highlight the Game`s Features.

Hopefully I`ll try to push further to start Audio and to gather info required for Marketing Chapter.
I don`t promise anything though.

Thanks again FRAS for all the data they made available to use.

Week 4 report

I have just finished the levels chapter and I made some nice statistics about the game after analysing the tracks. This data will be further useful when creating the development plan.

  • there are 9 Rallies per season.
  • there will be 60 different tracks
  • there are 105 races per season
  • there are 1234.54 km to be driven per season
  • there will be 668.55 km of road track to be modelled
  • the average track has 11 km
  • the longest Rally is Sibiu Rally with 228 km of distance to be driven on 127 km of  road track.
  • the shortest Rally is Harghita Rally with 89.92 km of distance to be driven on 44.04 km of road track
  • the longest Race is Gâtu Berbecului, it has 32 km and it is part of Sibiu Rally. The next one is Babarunca from Brasov Rally with 27.62 km.
  • the shortest Race is Lugoj with only 1.33 km and it is part of Timis Rally. The next one is Râpa Galbena from Iasi Rally with 1.6 km.
At an average speed of 60 km/h FRAS - The Game will offer at least 20 hours of intense Championship playing time.

This sort of Rally selection will be available in Main Menu. I hope you enjoy it.

Now... after the short presentation we had on Tuesday with our Lecturers we were once again assured that we are on the right track, but now there are doubts in the team if we have to include or not the arcade style of the game.
While I did not want to drop all the work I had done on the powerups, the description in game type, I have decided to still include what was known as Arcade mode, but to make it a game type. So now we have Rally Championship Mode, Destroyer Mode (the arcade type of game) and a new mode which Cristi came up with, and I quickly adopted it which is called Domination Mode. This one will be later presented by Cristi as it`s his idea so we will implement it and adapt it the way he wants.

Having done this we finished the LEVELS and CONTROLS.
I will come later with the plan for week 5.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Week 4 plan

This week we have to get the wheels spinning at full power to finish controls and maybe work some more on other chapters.
Here`s how the plan looks for week 4. We hope to finish quick to have more time to correct any eventual errors that might occur.

Up to now we are on the right path, but I am not very happy with the time wasted on levels and gameplay. While we are still on track, I always enjoy being before the plan and have everything ready far away from the deadline.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 3 Videoreference for level design Iasi Rally 4-5 October 2k13

I just had to add this video as reference, it might be useful in the level design to make an idea what objects are involved in a rally race that is outside of city.

I would like to thank the Camera Pilot Dragos for making available this video on Youtube.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Week 3

I checked over the progress up to now and I must say I am not 100% satisfied with the Gameplay chapter so I decided to repair this problem.
In the Design Document the Gameplay was only described for Simulation mode, without any reference to the Arcade mode. So I had to fix this and close this chapter so the work can proceed.

So what`s all the fuss about Arcade Gameplay? Well, it`s the most fun part of the game, the goal is the same to win the National Rally Championship, but you can use whatever you can to take yourself to the first place for each race.
Comparing to Simulation, in Arcade the controls will be more tolerant to the user, so braking, handling and controlling the vehicle overall will be easier than simulation. Other than this, all the properties present in Simulation are also available in Arcade. Next there is something else that`s different from Simulation races. Here in Arcade the player can use various items to make it harder for other players or make it easier for himself.
Here`s what I`m talking about: POWERUPS
There are two types of powerups: SAFE and AGGRESSIVE

Here are the safe type:

IMMUNITY SHIELD - covers the car with a cloak and makes it immune to obstacles or aggressive powerups for a limited period of time
REPAIR KIT - partially repairs the car
HAPPY WHEELY - considerably improves handling and braking
TURBO BOOST - increases the acceleration of the car for a limited amount of time
JUMP - Helps you jump over obstacles

And now presenting the aggressive type:

FOG - casts a cloud on the car`s windshield dramatically reducing visibility ahead no matter what camera the player is using
INSTANT STOP - stops the car immediately
OIL DROP - spills an oil pool on the road, reducing the handling and creating spin on any vehicle that drives through
SPIKESTRIP - sets up a spike strip wide about half of the road`s width from the centre of the road to the left or right margin of the road, depending on the position of the car when using this item
REVERSE CONTROLS - blows the fuse of the affected vehicle reversing commands: acceleration with brake and steer left with steer right for an amount of time
TORNADO SPIN - casts a tornado 1 mile behind, damaging everything that gets in touch with it. Travels only in the centre of the road and can be avoided only if driving at the edge of the road or if using immunity. 
RANDOM - random powerup

The difference between the safe and aggressive items is that the safe ones only affects the driver, while the aggressive ones can affect either an enemy car or the driver. The aggressive items come in a bubble that is three seconds green and one second red. Depending on the colour the bubble has when collecting the item, if it is green, then the player stores the item in the inventory, if it is red, it immediately applies the item to the player.

So if the bubble is red and you get the item when is red, a random action from the aggressive powerups will happen to you.
If the bubble is green, then a random aggressive powerup will be available in your inventory for later use.
When the player uses an aggressive item from inventory, the vehicle blasts a white bubble ahead for FOG, INSTANT STOP and REVERSE CONTROLS. The bubble travels in the centre of the road with great speed and can only be avoided with immunity or by driving at the edge of the road. If the bubble contacts another car, then the action of the aggressive item occurs.
For OIL DROP, SPIKESTRIP or TORNADO, the action occurs immediately behind the player`s vehicle once the item is used.

I hope I was not too hard to follow, but it is not rocket science once you get to play the game.
Having completed this on Gameplay, the chapter is closed, I can further focus on finishing the Levels. 
I`ll update the plan soon.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week 2 report

It is almost the end of week two and this will be my last post for this week.
Let`s see how we progressed.
As far as I know Cristi finished the Gameplay Chapter, I documented myself about the levels that we are going to put in the game and here it is the plan for the levels.

We will include the following rallies for the National Rally Championship from Romania

Each Rally will have tracks equivalent to those that are approved by FRAS to be part of Romania`s National Rally Championship.

Here is an example of a loading track screen. This screen will take place after the user is ready to start the race and a track will be loaded, in this case it is a track from Iasi Rally, where race 4 and 11 take place.
I hope you guys enjoy this, it took me 4 hours to create this "simple" gif that is made up from 150 frames (that is 150 different pictures played at high speed)
It might not seem much to you, but I know how much I put into this. So presenting the race 4, 11 to Paun, Iasi.

So here`s where we are, we already started levels and controls and I hope we`ll have them ready in two weeks or so. More to come soon.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week 2 - Status

Today I have received an email from FRAS itself (aye! the real Federatia Romana de Automobilism Sportiv) and FRAS Project received the permission to use content, information, stats and other materials that our project might need for the completion of the Game Design, encouraging to go further and make this thing real.

Not too many can feel the excitement that I got upon reading their email, it is an unique sentiment and it only pushes me to want to progress more and more, my motivation is now sky high. I feel in a way that I am on the right track and as the leader of my team I will make sure they understand how huge this is and I will forward them this feeling and get them to put (even) more soul into this.

Yesterday we also received the OK from our lecturer, after we showed him how our project is organised and this way we removed any doubts that we have had when we had chosen to create a racing game type. 

All these good news improve the chemistry and the motivation in the team, and as far as I am concerned I will try to push more with my work and my creation skills and try to come up Sunday with some information related to the tracks.

I would also like to take the opportunity to say a sincere: 


without feeling the need to translate what it means.